Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Year Principal - Thoughts from the first weeks...

A whole new understanding of August and what happened to my friend, July?

It is fitting that I’m behind in posting this blog entry…pretty much matches my state of mind right now. Being in the thick of preparing for my first year as a principal has been a monumental learning experience every day.

I eased in to August with a new hire here, and a budget requisition there. Files were organized, the office was decorated, and conversations happened without the ever-present timeline and ‘binging’ of outlook calendar reminders. There were a few times where I boldly thought, “Girl, you got this.”

And then, the District Leadership Institute happened. There I was up front, with a mic in hand, introducing myself in front of 150 district leaders. As the words, “…new principal…” came out of my mouth I couldn’t help but wonder, “WHAT!?” It wasn’t in a frame of being overwhelmed or scared, it was more, “I can’t believe they let me be the principal at the greatest school on the planet!” 

Having already worked at this school in other roles, I am very well aware of its history, as well as our staff, community and, most importantly, our students! As I have told many people this summer, being the principal at this school is my dream job!

As anyone who has ever prepared for a new school year knows, August is one of the craziest times around – it lacks routine and structure, and things come at you rapidly. I love the intensity and the challenge and I would hope others in this role do, too.

I’ve always been a believer of stretching yourself and making yourself uncomfortable in the spirit of growing. When you get too comfortable, you stop growing.  I hope each of you does something that stretches yourself in the upcoming year – how are you modeling professional and personal growth for the colleagues you work with?

No matter what your role in education may be, I wish you a successful, growth-filled school year. Embrace the journey and remember it is okay to tell yourself, “you got this!”  

Stay tuned to this blog for more adventures in the life of a 1st year principal! :)

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