Saturday, March 29, 2014


My friends often mock me for my reading selections, seeing as I rarely read beyond of the YA (Young Adult) section of the store.  I love Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, Divergent, and more fantasy/sci-fi adventures.  The latter, Divergent, was just made into a movie that debuted recently.  While I was watching it (sitting behind a row of 13-year old girls, who were sitting behind a row of 13-year old boys…birthday party), I was struck by the repeated message to “trust the test”.  In the story teens are sorted - not by a hat, but - with another type of test that determines where and how they will spend the remainder of their lives.

Diabolical, eh?  Yes – it turns out that it is a part of a government conspiracy to wipe out citizens capable of divergent thoughts and incapable of being easily controlled.  The teens are terrified of the test and its results, but they know that it is of upmost importance in determining their ultimate destinies due to predictive nature. 
But our heroine IS capable of thinking differently, and therefore she is a threat.  And – surprise, surprise…the test does not work on her.

Trust the all-important test that will steer you towards your ultimate destiny.  But, what about people for whom the test DOES NOT WORK?  How do we handle them? 
Educators?  Please – take a minute to figure out a way to log on and comment because I would love to hear your answers.

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