Photo credit: Ken Kennedy
I work in an organization with many subgroups, one of which is education. As I have gotten a better understanding of the larger institution, it has been interesting to see how new initiatives land in different ways across the subgroups. It seems to me that when our administration puts forth a new policy, the educators have been the ones most concerned with compliance. How can we be sure we are following the rules? Other groups may consider it, look into how it fits with their desired framework, and sometimes even...determine how to subvert it. When I see the differences in how policy is enacted across groups, it makes me wonder about teachers' compulsions to follow the rules. Sometimes, to our own detriment. Where is our subversive element? Where is our creativity in enacting policy? Perhaps it's in our DNA to comply. Perhaps we follow rules because we want others to do the same and perceive they are a vital ingredient for order, something we are trained to plan for in our classes. Perhaps, it's fear or a sense of powerlessness. But when new rules harm our profession, I wish we saw more of a reaction and less compliance. Are you seeing it where you are?
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