Sunday, November 24, 2013

Don't drive angry!

Don’t drive angry!
For those of you who quote the movie Groundhog’s Day, you may not have to watch this 45-second clip to appreciate my references in this post.  For others, its worth less than a minute of your time.
I kept waiting to write this post, hoping to be healthier, not exhausted.  Don’t blog tired!  Now on my second round of antibiotics, weary and not thinking straight – I’m writing it anyways.  (Cue Phil, “She might be okay., probably not now.")
How many times do we work late, work weekends, work sick, work tired?  It doesn’t honor a commitment to the “whole person,” let alone reason.  Honoring the whole person means we tend to the physical, mental, and spiritual.  Relentlessly focusing on the academic betrays whole child education, so why do we do it to ourselves? ("You've gotta check your mirrors...side of the eye, side of the eye.")
To be fair, my boss said, “You need to take some time.”  Tell me….how does that work?  You know it can be harder to NOT be there, than to just drag yourself into work.  The two times I did step away from my office, I received dogging emails asking, “Where are you?  Students are looking for you.” ("Hey, they're chasing us.  C'mon...make it fun!")
Am I giving them my best right now?  (Considering I just tried to get into someone else’s car, I am probably making mistakes at work too.)  Am I being fair to my family, pushing myself into further illness?  Am I modeling self-care and education of body, mind, and spirit?  So, am I so important that a short absence would turn the world on its ear?  I think we all know the answer to that.  None of us are, and it would be silly to think that our place of work would cease to function without us.  However, we do have a lot of people who count on us.  But they aren’t just counting on us to show up.  Sometimes they are watching more than that – and we are modeling the way regarding life balance, self-care, and respect.  
Despite being born on Groundhog's Day, I know I don't get a redo of today.  I can't push myself until I drive off the cliff.  What's great is that I DO get a redo tomorrow, and I've got some ground to cover. 
I just need to remember….don’t drive angry.

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